Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mountain Bike Events and Film

Marin Bike Fest in Marin

A great night of Film, Fashion, Food and Fun!

Saturday, June 5th - 8 a.m. - Mill Valley Bike Swap

Saturday June 5, 2010  6pm - Women of Dirt: The Film

Access4bikes and Bicycle Trails Council of Marin Present:

        Women of Dirt: The Celebration
         Fairfax Women's Club,
         46 Park Rd., Fairfax, CA, 94930 
Celebrating the mountain bike while celebrating the women who love them!

A special screening of Awesome Land: Women of Dirt. A Bicycle Fashion Show-featuring some of the best bike fashions in the west, by Sheila Moon Athletic Apparel, LUNA Sport clothing and My Alibi Clothing. Q & A with bike celebs, Marla Streb and Rachel Lloyd! Come on down and party, have a brew and wine, sponsored by Lagunitas and Peleton Cellars, and tasty food treats. Also, raffle-drawing and local live music! 

A party and fundraiser for Access4Bikes, your local voice for trail access in Marin.

$20-donation advance tickets $25- donation at the door.

For more information visit http://access4bikes.com/events.htm

Sunday June 6th - Tamarancho Dirt Classic

Mountain Biking Marin upcoming clinics.

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